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Supporting Ukrainian Refugees' Integration through Cultural Heritage

Discover how Casa Ucrania Foundation supports Ukrainian refugees in Barcelona through cultural heritage initiatives. Learn about our educational sponsorship programs for refugee children. Supporting Ukrainian Refugees' Integration through Cultural Heritage - Casa Ucrania Foundation
Supporting Ukrainian Refugees' Integration through Cultural Heritage

Barcelona, Spain - Casa Ucrania Foundation is dedicated to supporting Ukrainian refugees in Barcelona, not only through educational sponsorship but also by promoting cultural integration. We believe that cultural heritage can play a significant role in helping refugees feel welcome and accompanied during their adaptation process.

Last October, three more days of workshops to witness the Junta Constructora Board of Trustees' efforts in opening the doors of the Basilica to refugees in Barcelona. Their social program, in collaboration with Apropa Cultura, introduced various activities designed to raise awareness of heritage and encourage integration.

The "Temple of Light" Tour for Ukrainian Families

As part of this initiative, three days of workshops were specifically tailored for families from Ukraine, including children and teenagers. The "Temple of Light" tour, a special and accessible experience, focuses on the symbolism of light as a beacon of hope. Participants have the opportunity to explore and engage with the Basilica's rich heritage. The tour culminates with a workshop where participants paint a small stained-glass window bearing the slogan "Jo soc la llum" (I am the light) to serve as a meaningful souvenir.

This endeavor is not limited to newly arrived refugees; anyone who has come to Barcelona as a refugee can still visit the Sagrada Família through Apropa Cultura. It's a way to ensure they feel welcome and supported during their adaptation journey.

Casa Ucrania Foundation's Commitment to Integration

Casa Ucrania Foundation recognizes the challenges Ukrainian refugees face, considering the ongoing situation in Ukraine and conflicts worldwide. We are committed to supporting their integration into Barcelona's diverse cultural landscape. As part of our commitment, we offer educational sponsorship programs, ensuring refugee children have access to quality education.

Furthermore, to enhance the integration experience, we provide audioguides in Ukrainian for visiting the Basilica. Thanks to our relations with the Ukrainian Consulate and support from the Diocesan Delegation of Social Pastoral, these audioguides are now available for free from July 1st through the end of the year. For more information on our social projects, visit

At Casa Ucrania Foundation, we believe that supporting refugees goes beyond the basic necessities; it's about embracing their culture and providing opportunities for a brighter future.


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