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Introducing the Casa Ucrania Foundation: Changing Lives and Empowering Ukrainian Refugees

Introducing the Casa Ucrania Foundation: Changing Lives and Empowering Ukrainian Refugees - Discover Casa Ucrania Foundation's mission, vision, and the impactful projects we support. Join us in making a difference - become a donor or volunteer today.
Casa Ucrania Foundation: Changing Lives and Empowering Ukrainian Refugees

Are you ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Welcome to Casa Ucrania Foundation, where our dedication to changing lives knows no bounds. We are more than just a foundation; we are a beacon of hope for Ukrainian refugees in Barcelona, Spain, and beyond. Our mission, vision, and various projects are driven by one core principle: empowering, uplifting, and providing opportunities for Ukrainian families who have faced displacement and hardship.

Our Mission and Vision

At Casa Ucrania Foundation, our mission is clear: to provide opportunities for a dignified life and essential support to displaced persons, migrants, and refugees of Ukrainian nationality. We aim to ensure access to basic rights and empower Ukrainian families in Spain (Catalonia), the rest of the European Union, and Ukrainian nationals facing emergencies in Ukraine. Our commitment to creating lasting change is unwavering.

Our vision extends beyond immediate relief. We seek to promote integral development within the communities where Ukrainian refugees decide to project their future. We emphasize interculturality as a factor that enriches societies, firmly believing in sustainability as the foundation of our programs. Social responsibility is a value that we encourage everyone to embrace, as it's through collective effort that we can achieve meaningful transformation.

Projects We Support

Sponsor Children in their Educational Journey (Barcelona - Ukraine):

We provide support to Ukrainian refugee children, ensuring they have access to quality education. Your charitable gift annuity can significantly impact a child's future.

Providing Basic Daily Essentials (Barcelona - Ukraine):

No one should go to bed hungry. Join us in providing essential daily items to refugee families in need. Your donations can bring hope and stability to their lives.

Reconditioning of School Classrooms and First Aid Rooms (Ukraine):

Education thrives in safe spaces. Our project in Ukraine focuses on renovating classrooms and first aid rooms, creating an ideal environment for learning.

Promoting Mental Health (Barcelona - Ukraine):

Mental health is a priority. Casa Ucrania Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness and supporting Ukrainian refugees' well-being.

Orientation for Access to Essential Services for Immigrants & Refugees (Barcelona):

We offer orientation services to help refugees access essential resources and rebuild their lives in Barcelona, Spain.

Volunteers Support (Barcelona - Ukraine):

Volunteers are the backbone of our organization. Join us in making a difference through volunteering in Barcelona or Ukraine.

Become a Donor or Volunteer Today

Now that you've been introduced to the Casa Ucrania Foundation, we invite you to be a part of our mission. Your contributions, whether as a donor or a volunteer, can create a positive impact on the lives of Ukrainian refugees. Together, we can provide hope, support, and opportunities for those who need it most.

Join us in changing lives and empowering Ukrainian refugees. Explore our website to learn more about our projects and how you can make a difference. Together, we are Casa Ucrania Foundation, and together, we can be a force for change.


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