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From War to Garden: House Ukraine's Journey with Ukrainian Refugees

Discover how House Ukraine Foundation (Casa Ucrania) is making a difference in the lives of Ukrainian refugees. Join us in supporting their journey from displacement to a hopeful future. Your sponsorship and donations can be the seeds of positive change.

Discover how House Ukraine Foundation (Casa Ucrania) is making a difference in the lives of Ukrainian refugees. Join us in supporting their journey from displacement to a hopeful future. Your sponsorship and donations can be the seeds of positive change.
From War to Garden: House Ukraine Foundation's Impactful Journey with Ukrainian Refugees

In a poignant parallel to history, The Casa Ucrania Foundation is scripting a new narrative of hope for Ukrainian refugees. As war raged in their homeland, a seven-year-old Ukrainian boy named Oleksii found himself standing in a London garden in May 2022. 

This is not just a story; it's a testament to resilience, community, and the transformative power of planting seeds of a second life.

The Ilya Neustadt Connection:

Casa Ucrania's journey with Ukrainian refugees echoes the experiences of the past. The Foundation, inspired by stories like that of Ilya Neustadt, a Jewish Ukrainian saved during World War II, is playing host to those displaced by the recent conflict. Ilya's journey from war-torn Europe to academia and mentorship resonates in the Foundation's efforts today.

A Garden of Resilience:

The London garden becomes a symbol of hope and renewal. Oleksii, the seven-year-old, questions the safety of England, drawing parallels with the homeland under attack. The narrative unfolds with Mariya, a courageous mother, and her two children finding refuge. The Homes for Ukraine team at Bromley Council facilitates the process seamlessly, embodying the spirit of swift and efficient support.

Cultivating Connections:

The garden becomes a canvas for shared experiences — kickabouts, swingball duels, and the serious business of planting sweetcorn. What started as a gardening project turned into a metaphor for resilience. The roots pushed into British soil symbolize the strength that emerges even in adversity. The family, like the sweetcorn, adapts and flourishes in a new environment.

Challenges and Triumphs:

Mariya's journey reflects the challenges faced by refugees adjusting to a foreign society. The Casa Ucrania Foundation, through shared experiences and support networks, helps navigate the complexities. From finding places for the kids in local institutions to Mariya securing a small flat, each step is a victory in rebuilding a shattered life.

Looking Ahead:

While Mariya dreams of resuming her life in Ukraine, uncertainties linger. The conflict persists, and the risk of exposing her children to danger remains. Casa Ucrania Foundation, with its commitment to positive change, stands by Mariya and others like her. As we look forward to planting sweetcorn in spring and sharing the harvest in autumn, we weave a story of hope and solidarity.

Your Support Matters:

Join Casa Ucrania Foundation in making a lasting impact. Your sponsorship and donations can be the catalyst for new beginnings. Planting seeds in a garden becomes a metaphor for sowing hope and contributing to the journey of those seeking refuge. Together, let's script stories of resilience and triumph.

Together, Let's Forge Pathways to Dignity. Sponsor or Donate Today!


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