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EU Proposes €20bn Plan B for Ukraine: Casa Ucrania Foundation Urges Support

The Casa Ucrania Foundation seeks sponsors and donations as the EU crafts a €20bn contingency plan for Ukraine, bypassing Hungary's objections. Join us in supporting Ukraine's recovery. Your contribution matters.

The Casa Ucrania Foundation seeks sponsors and donations as the EU crafts a €20bn contingency plan for Ukraine, bypassing Hungary's objections. Join us in supporting Ukraine's recovery. Your contribution matters.
Kiev, Ukraine. EU Proposes €20bn Plan to Expedite Financial Aid for Ukraine Amidst Obstacles: Casa Ucrania Foundation Urges Support.

In a strategic move to overcome hurdles, the EU is formulating a €20bn alternative plan to financially assist Ukraine. This initiative, designed to sidestep objections from Hungary's Viktor Orbán, is gaining momentum after the recent failure of EU leaders to reach a consensus on a proposed €50bn four-year package for Ukraine.

The Casa Ucrania Foundation, in tandem with these developments, calls for sponsors and donations to amplify support for Ukraine's recovery. 🔗 Learn more about our projects.

Background: EU's Contingency Plan

Debt-Based Scheme:

The proposed scheme involves leveraging a debt structure, providing a practical alternative if Orbán maintains his veto at the upcoming summit on February 1. Participating EU member states would issue guarantees to the EU budget, allowing the European Commission to borrow up to €20bn on capital markets for Ukraine in the next year.

Critical Details Under Discussion:

The precise terms of this debt-based plan are currently under discussion. The final amount will be tailored according to Ukraine's specific needs. This approach mirrors the structure employed in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the commission provided significant financing to EU countries.

Key Advantages and Considerations:

Avoiding Unanimous Backing:

Unlike the original EU budget-based proposal, this option does not necessitate guarantees from all 27 EU member states. The involvement of countries with top credit ratings would allow the EU to bypass Hungary's veto, providing a crucial advantage.

Potential Downsides:

While this contingency plan accelerates financial aid, it is limited to loans and does not include grants. Member states might choose to offer grants bilaterally.

Casa Ucrania Foundation's Call to Action:

Sponsors and Donations:

Join the Casa Ucrania Foundation in supporting Ukraine's recovery. Your sponsorship or donation can contribute to a resilient future for the war-torn country.

Spread Awareness:

Share this urgent call for support within your network. Increased awareness can lead to more contributions and a collective effort towards aiding Ukraine.

EU's Commitment and Casa Ucrania's Appeal:

March Deadline:

Regardless of the chosen model, the EU has committed to providing funding to Ukraine by March at the latest, as confirmed in discussions among G7 finance ministers.

Casa Ucrania Foundation's Endeavor:

The Casa Ucrania Foundation remains committed to aiding Ukraine in its recovery. As the EU explores alternative plans, the foundation urges individuals and sponsors to contribute, making a positive impact on Ukraine's journey towards stability.

Note: For updates on Ukraine's situation and ways to support it, stay tuned to the Casa Ucrania Foundation blog.


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